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Tuscany News

convegno colline metallifere

Conference on the environmental, social and economic regeneration of the Metalliferous Hills

On Thursday, November 24, an important conference will be held in Gavorrano on the topic of sustainable development of the territory of the Metalliferous Hills Park.


The Park has been working on this issue for several years, and the conference is an opportunity to take stock of the Green Economy development of the area.

The local community involves di verse entities that develop economic and social enhancement policies based on environmental innovation and sustainable use of natural resources.


The conference will be attended by sector specialists and the heads of various local and national entities involved in these issues, to also elaborate future goals for the development of the area.


Puntala Camp & Resort is sensitive to the issues of land preservation and is attentive to the positive spin-offs that these programs can bring to the realities of the area.